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The Top Tips You Need To Know When Setting Up Your New Home Office In Thailand

Even though the pandemic ended quite some time ago in Thailand, many people still work from home and it seems that this is something that is going to be staying with us for the long-term. Businesses have found out that employees can be even more productive working from home and so they are encouraging their employees to not only come to the office but to spend time working from a desk in their home. Some employers will provide you with compensation to buy the things that you need while others expect you to dip into your own wallet or purse to create your own home office.

Whatever situation you find yourself in, you still need to have a space in which to work so that you can be at your most productive. You could sit on your couch with your laptop on your knees but this would be incredibly uncomfortable and it isn’t practical either. In order to be able to do your best work you will need something like an adjustable writing desk and many other things in order to make the whole thing work. The following are just some other top tips that you will need to know when setting up a new home office here in Thailand.

  • Location, location, location – You may not be lucky enough to actually have a free room in your home that you can call your office and so it might take some out-of-the-box thinking to come up with some free space in order to be able to carry out your daily work. It needs to be a space where you can be creative and so sitting down at the kitchen table is not practical because people eat there and you’re going to have to move at some point. There are spaces in your home if you just look for them and so check out your larger rooms first and maybe even think about converting your attic or basement into a work space.
  • You will need privacy – If you are getting distracted all day by your spouse or by your children particularly on the weekends then this will not work. You need privacy and quiet to be at your most efficient and although you’re working from home, you need to separate your work life from your home life. Investing in some kind of divider would be perfect and this will help to split up a room so that people know that you are working and they are not to disturb you. Even a curtain will do and you can teach kids that once the curtain is closed then work is happening.
  • Try to think about others – You’re going to have a list of things that you need to do that your boss has sent you but you also need to remember that you are working in the space that other people call their home. If you anticipate that you may have to deal with clients from your home, it’s no good trying to turn your sitting room into the reception area and so you’re going to have to think about some extra seating and an extra table for potential clients to sit at as well.
  • You get what you pay for – It’s up to you if you want to invest in quality items or you want to try to cut corners and save yourself some money. The latter is not a good idea because you want to have a workspace that will allow you to be efficient and if potential clients do meet with you then you want to create the best first impression possible. You should always consider quality items before anything else because if you buy cheaper furniture for example then you will end up replacing it more often than not.
  • It’s all about your comfort – Your employer provided you with an ergonomic chair at the office and so the same rules apply even though you’re working from home. Your dining room chair is just not good enough and you will end up with a bad back that will affect your productivity. A good chair is something that you really need to invest money in and get one that can swivel, that is height adjustable and has lumbar support for your lower back. Remember the health and safety rules that apply in your workplace and apply them in your home.

You are going to be spending a great deal of time at your desk and so do your research and purchase something that not only meets your budget but affects your workflow in a positive way. You want to be investing in a desk that makes you more productive and that also allows you to be comfortable.

Misty Severi

I’m Misty Severi Washington Examiner’s famous breaking news reporter, I have been reporting since August 2021. I’m one of the best journalists in the company because she is skilled and fun.

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