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What Your Lawyer Needs To Know About Filing A Claim For Dog Bites

It is not uncommon for dog bite incidents to be traumatizing, resulting in physical injury, mental distress, and financial stress. In the event that you are bitten, a compensation claim may be able to help you recover damages. To present a convincing case, a dog attack lawyer must have the necessary information. The following is a checklist of things you can do to be prepared for your attorney.

Key Details Of The Incident

Your lawyer needs a thorough account of your dog’s bite. Provide details about the dog bite incident.

  1. Place, Date, and Time: Note down the time, place, and date of an attack. This information will help you establish your claim and the relevant jurisdiction.
  2. Conditions Surrounding an Attack: List the incidents that occurred before the incident. Are you a guest? A dog that escaped from a gated area was the cause of this accident. Such details can help determine liability.
  3. The Weather and the Environment: Even though these may seem minor, they are important factors to consider, especially if you’re arguing negligence.

Information About The Dog And Its Owner

You must provide your lawyer with information about both the dog and the owner. This will help them to make a claim. You will need to gather the following:

  1. A dog’s breed and size: Certain dogs may be more aggressive, and knowing their sizes can provide context for the severity of injuries.
  2. Owner’s Contact Information: Ask for the owner’s name, address, and phone number. In the case of a dog that is found straying, it’s important to contact local authorities.
  3. Vaccination Records: Knowing whether a pet is vaccinated against rabies is crucial for medical and legal reasons.
  4. Dog bite insurance details: Policyholders’ or renter’s insurers often cover such claims. The lawyer will help you negotiate fair compensation with the insurance company.

Injury Documentation

Your attorney for dog attacks will heavily rely on medical records and other documentation in order to show the seriousness of injuries. Make sure you provide:

  1. Records of Medical Care: Detail emergency room attendance, diagnosis, treatments, and ongoing care. All medical bills should be documented.
  2. Photographs of Injuries: Take clear photographs of injuries immediately after a serious attack and throughout your recovery. Visual evidence has a strong impact in court.
  3. Psychological effects: You should inform your attorney of any emotional or psychological issues you may be experiencing following an assault, such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and so on. The mental health of the victim can also be assessed to help support your claim.

Police Or Animal Control Reports

Reports from authorities that were involved can provide critical evidence. This document may include

  1. Dog descriptions: The reports often describe the breed, size, behavior, and other characteristics of the dog.
  2. Statements made by owners: A statement that the owner has made to the police or Animal Control can be used against them to determine liability.
  3. Past Incidents: If there is a prior history of dog aggression, it will help your case. Demand information regarding prior complaints and attacks.

Proof Of Financial Loss

For your lawyer to prove damages, he must provide financial evidence of the damage. It includes:

  1. Medical Bills: Collect bills for medical visits, drugs, and therapies.
  2. Lost Earnings: When you’ve missed work because of an illness or injury, it is important to provide documentation.
  3. Physical Damage: Provide receipts or repair estimates for any personal possessions damaged by the attack.
  4. Future Expenses: Your lawyer may be required to estimate future costs related to long-term surgeries or treatments.

Legal And Insurance Information

If you want to hire a lawyer, your lawyer must have all the necessary legal and insurance documentation.

  1. What is covered by your insurance policy? Some policies cover injuries from dog bites.
  2. Contact with Dog Owners/Insurers: You should provide any copies of correspondence you may have, such as emails, letters, or messages.
  3. State Dog Bite Laws: State laws regarding liability for dog bites are different in every state. If you hire an attorney, they will build your case based on factors such as negligence and strict liability.


When a pet bites you, your entire life may change. But filing a claim and enlisting the services of a dog assault lawyer could ease some of that financial burden. If you are able to provide your lawyer with detailed information, evidence, and documentation, they can build an effective case for you and get you the compensation you deserve. You should consult an attorney today in order to take the first step toward justice.

Abdul Samee

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