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Everything You Need to Know about 2023-1955

There is a new, big bug in version 1.0 of SourceCodester Online Computer and Laptop Store. The number for it is CVE-2023-1955. You can use SQL injection to take advantage of this flaw in the login.php file in the User Registration component.

Attackers can change the entered data when this flaw is present and run any SQL command. This could put the whole system at risk. In our piece, we will discuss the risk in detail, how it might affect things, and ways to make things safer.

Overview of CVE-2023-1955

The login.php file doesn’t handle user input correctly, leading to CVE-2023-1955, a dangerous security hole. To be more exact, an SQL attack can happen if you change the “email” number in the User Registration component. SQL injection flaws occur when a program wrongly handles data sent by a user, allowing attackers to add destructive SQL code to a query. Others can take advantage of this weakness from far away, which makes it even more dangerous and raises the risk of an attack.

Technical Details

Not correctly cleaning up personal info caused CVE-2023-1955. When someone logs in, their email address is sent as data and used directly in a SQL query without being checked or escaped. Attackers can now add destructive SQL code that the database server can run.

Impact of the Vulnerability

It’s terrible that CVE-2023-1955 is around. If hackers know how to exploit it, they can access private information like user passwords, personal information, and payment information without permission.

They might also be able to add or delete database records, stop websites from running, and gain more system rights. Protecting systems that are exposed immediately is essential because this weakness is so bad. Here are some more specific things that could happen:

●       Data Breach:

Hackers could enter the database and take private data like usernames, passwords, and personal information.

●       Data Manipulation:

Bad people can change or remove database records, which could delete or modify essential data.

●       Service Disruption:               

By changing the information, attackers can prevent the web app from working. If this happens, people may lose service because the app may crash.

●       Privilege Escalation:

Through SQL injection, attackers could gain higher levels of access, which would give them management power over the system, making it even less safe.

●       Exploit Availability

The CVE-2023-1955 flaw is now public, so anyone who wants to attack can get it. SourceCodester Online Computer and Laptop Store users who still haven’t updated the necessary fixes or safety measures are at high risk. The vulnerability database has given this flaw the number VDB-225342 so that security experts and researchers can find it.

The public hack makes it even more important for system managers to act quickly. People can get their hands on exploits that make it easy for thieves to attack weak systems. This means that abuse can happen much less often, and attacks are more likely to happen.

Mitigation and Remediation

To lessen the risks that come with CVE-2023-1955, SourceCodester Online Computer and Laptop Store users should do the following:

●       Apply Patches:

You should check to see if the software company has sent you any changes or updates that will fix this problem. Software makers regularly release security patches to fix bugs in their products. It’s essential to keep your tools up to date to stay safe from risks.

●       Input Validation:

Users’ input should be checked and adequately escaped before it is used in SQL queries. This can be done with solid input validation and sanitization. Make sure that the entries are in the right style and don’t have any malware in them.

●       Whitelist Approach:

Use a filter to ensure that the numbers you enter are correct. For instance, an email address should be formatted in a certain way and not contain any special characters that could be used to attack SQL.

●       Escape Dangerous Characters:

Some unique letters, like quotes, should not be read as part of the question. It would help if you escaped them.

●       Use Prepared Statements:

 If you use prepared statements and customized searches, it is much less possible for someone to try to inject SQL code. When you use prepared statements, SQL code, and data stay separate. This makes it impossible for attackers to add destructive SQL code.

  • Regular Security Audits:

Review the code and perform security checks every day to find and fix any holes in the script. Security audits can help find unclear flaws and ensure that all security measures are up to date.

●       Automated Scanners:      

Check the app often with automatic security checkers to find known bugs like SQL injection bugs.

●       Manual Code Reviews:   

Read the code out loud to look for possible security holes. This is very important when making custom code and logic that is hard for robots to understand.

Preventive Measures

When businesses fix the problem right away, they should also think about more giant security steps they can take to avoid similar issues in the future:

●       Web Application Firewalls (WAF):      

When data comes in, please set up a WAF to filter it and look for any signs of trouble. A WAF is another way to protect yourself from web-based risks like SQL injection. It can find and stop typical attack patterns.

●       Database Security:           

To keep the database server safe, ensure the web app only has the permissions it needs to connect to the database. These are some of them:

  • Least Privilege Principle:

Generally, it would help if you only gave users and apps the rights they need to do their jobs.

  • Regular Updates:

Keep the database server software up to date by getting the latest security changes and updates.            

  • Access Controls:          

Set up tight rules for who can enter the database and what they can do once they’re there.

●       Security Training:

It would help if you kept teaching writers about security so they know about standard holes and safe ways to code. Developers who have gone to school are more likely to write secure code and find security holes before they become holes.

  • OWASP Top Ten:

Train your staff on the OWASP Top Ten security risks, which include SQL attacks, and how to best lower these risks.

  • Secure Coding Guidelines:

Ensure everyone on the development team follows the rules you set up for safe code.


Because of CVE-2023-1955, SourceCodester Online Computer and Laptop Store 1.0 users are very likely to have their security broken. This SQL injection problem is hazardous, and there is a public hack that can be used to get around it. Users who are affected must act right away to lower their risk.

Businesses can apply patches, improve input checks, and safely write code to protect their systems from risks and keep their data safe. The defense is even better by doing things ahead of time to stop similar flaws from happening again, like setting up a WAF and ensuring the database is safe.

Reference links:



Misty Severi

I’m Misty Severi Washington Examiner’s famous breaking news reporter, I have been reporting since August 2021. I’m one of the best journalists in the company because she is skilled and fun.

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